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What you should include in a cyber incident response plan
Data breaches or ransomware attacks are a scary reality for any small to medium enterprise. If you operate on the grid (or store your information on the cloud), your whole company could be at risk of a cyber incident at all times. Statistics estimate that the average company could be affected by a virtual attack on its systems every 5 seconds. This figure might even be an underestimation of the true danger. The importance of a cyber incident response plan protects your company, your employees, and your customers in the event of an attack. Here are 5 things to do
4 Qualities to Look for When Hiring a Managed IT Service Provider
Deciding which managed IT services provider (MSP) to contract with is the most significant decision in the onboarding process. You want to make sure whichever provider you chose will both solve your IT needs and build a professional relationship with you. As an MSP, here at Sagewood Technical Services, some of the qualities we strive for and believe the best MSPs possess include: Employing a highly technical workforce Communicating with customers clearly Ensuring customer satisfaction Pursuing innovation While the best MSPs try to exceed your expectations in every area of services, these four aspects are paramount for providers to stand out